Hangar 14 Solutions, LLC Apps

StreetWise CADlink 3.1.14
StreetWise CADlink provides serious, enterprise-grade software thatis focused on providing MDC-style features for use in respondingemergency apparatus. StreetWise is a hybrid of response softwareand preplan software, uniting these two traditionally distinctfunctions into a single platform. StreetWise is real software fordepartments that are serious about getting the most from tablets orreplacing clunky outdated laptops. This application includes avideo demo of the full product. Full activation requires yourdepartment to have a subscription to StreetWise CADlink dataservices and a link to be setup with your dispatch center orsystem. Features: - Incident location and type are sent to assignedtablets with audible alert. Accuracy advisories provided iflocation is estimated. - Incident updates sent by dispatch centerinstantly update on tablet display with pop-up advisory. -Incidents are mapped automatically, with familiar “pinch-zoom”interface. - AVL shows the location of other units in real time,see who’s on your call and who’s not. - Tap-to-display data forother units shows apparatus type, pump and tank capacity, EMS leveland staffing. - Choices of icons and colors for various apparatustypes, rotate in direction of travel. - Web-based AVL displayavailable for use at dispatch console or headquarters. - Communityhazards and preplan points are displayed graphically on thetactical map and can be shared with other agencies. - Navigationalrouting is available, with turn-by-turn directions available. -Hydrant layer shows location and touch-to-display data for watersupply. - Choices of icons for various types of hydrants ordrafting points. - Switch to satellite photo view or terrain viewfor enhanced situational awareness. - Google StreetView isintegrated for available interactive 360 degree photo. - Tacticalwaypoints can be dropped on the map and instantly synchronized toall responding tablets for designation of staging areas, incidenthazards, fire progression and more. NIMS icons available. -Pre-incident plans are stored in the server and accessed on anyresponding tablet. Preplans can be shared with other agencies. -Preplans can be selectively cached to device storage for use whenno broadband is available. - Exclusive “Preplan Wizard”, completefront-end pre-incident planning surveys for standalone business,master or tenant spaces allow field collection of preplans with thetablet. - Preplan photos can be added right from the tablet duringthe survey. Additional attachments can be uploaded. - New preplansare automatically synchronized to the server for immediate use byall devices. - Instant photo “share” feature can send incidentphotos to other responding units or be used for post-disasterdamage assessment. Photos are retrievable from administrative webportal. - Device-to-group instant messaging. Message everyone orjust the units on your call. - Status buttons send instanttimestamps to the server for later retrieval or sharing to CAD andNFIRS. All units’ current status displays to other responders. -Live interface with Emergency Reporting® auto-creates NFIRSincident report, fills in unit times and tactical screen actions. -Web-accessible agency log records every event and activity. -Administrative web portal allows department to set icons,permissions, and entitlements for devices. - Print, list, export,or import preplan data or finished preplans right from the webportal. - CAD-independent, uses common data exports or optionaldispatch workstation app. - CAD transfers can use email, SMS, FTP,SFTP, XML, or a custom API. - Basic, simple user interface withlarge, easy-to-read touch commands and limited menus. -Bi-directional API interfaces available for sharing AVL and statusbuttons back to CAD systems.
StreetWise Responder
Response notification and mapping software for fire andEMSpersonnel.